- December 13th : Radio show & publication Sonic Feminist Fabulation (SFF). in Residency at WORM Rotterdam.

- October - November 29.10/02.11 : Nocturnal Listening ~ sonic reading as part of WHISPERING SKINS FLAM+Museumnacht 2024

- 19th October: THIRD annual Forum at DAS Graduate School.

- July: Process sharing of When the far Becomes the Near. Research Interrupted. BAK Fellowship for Situated Practice, Utrecht.


- November: Studio showing UNBOUND Sonic-spatial Performance. IDlab - Poetic laboratory for digital technologies.

October: Guest Speaker at the The Hacked Orchestra @ Muziekgebouw aan 't Ij

— October: Sound composition for theather piece WUNDER directed by Juan Miranda. in Co-production with Sala Beckett (Barcelona) Schauspielhaus ( Vienna)

— August ~ September: Research esidency of project SONIC FABULATIVE FEMINISM. program at Transmediale, Berlin. Silent Green.

— Somatic Laboratory Trans*latinx Memories. ATD Amsterdam.

— August: UNBOUND at SUBURBIA Garage Noord, Amsterdam.

— Sound dramaturgy and sound installation FOAMS Mario Lopes. Students ECD, ATD Amsterdam.

— February: Sound performance AFROTRANSTOPIA, by Mario Lopes at Come Together#9, Frascati Theater.

—January: Lauching of the Fanzine Acuerpadxs. Part of the project Somatic Lab. Trans*latinx Memories.

—December: Residency UNBOUND at WpZimmer. Antwerp

—December: Premiere DAS GIFT. Directed by Juan Miranda. Shauspiel – Staatstheater Hannover.


—November: Forthcoming (Not Yet Here But Always Been There). A sonic collaboration with Devika Chotoe and Anne Jesuina. In responds to Patricia Kaersenhout’s exhibition in CBK.

—November: UNBOUND sonic performance at The Artist are Present Festival. ICK Dans Amsterdam

— September: THUNDER AND LIGHTING. A Conversation with Eduardo Molinari for Whole Life Repository, HKW, Berlin.

—July: UNBOUND sonic performance at Blob Together @Club PRTS. Vienna.

—June: Workshop (Un)bound Sounds. #FERALIZING New Alphabet School. Warsaw

—May: Sonic reading of Champurrias. For South Boom Boom magazine. Especial edition in Performance Philosophy Journal.

—May: ‘Kuir Sudaka Migrant Landscapes’ Talk and video featuring IPOP by DAS Research and ATD Amsterdam

—April: Residency In Transit: Ihlas _ a Constellation. Walking, Landscape and Natural Reserve. Madeira PL. Curated by Sara Anjo.

—March. Revolvə Site-specific sonic performance at The Whole Life Congress. Archives and Imaginaries. Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin. Curated by Megan Hoetger.

—March: N/pantla with Devika Chotoe and Pedro Matias at Frascati Theater. Dolce Revoel SNDO graduation.

—March: Q-02 Residency. Workspace for experimental music and sound art. Brussels, Belgium.

—February: Residency Het Huis Utrecht. Netherlands. N/pantla by Paula Montecinos, Pedro Matias and Devika Chotoe.

—November: Radio Silence Host– ICA London and DAS Graduate School, Amsterdam –  How to think Symposium.

—November: N/pantla by Paula Montecinos and Pedro Matias at Sonic Acts venue, Night Air: Shock Waves, in OT301. Amsterdam.

—August: N/pantla by Paula Montecinos and Pedro Matias at Laurel Space Project.

—July: Silent Waves @ Various public spaces, Amsterdam. Public dance performance. Funding by Fonds Podiumkunsten.

—July: Walks of Arts Against Isolation, @ Various public spaces, Amsterdam Performed a 1-1 proposal in public space in Amsterdam. Funding by Fonds Podiumkunsten.

In The Drop Sonic choreography. MA Graduation project, presented at DAS Graduate School. Amsterdam. Netherlands

STAMIRA[2026] Choreography and sound performance, 2020. Collaboration with Karina Villafán. Premiere at Julidans Festival, Brakke Grond Flemish Cultural Center. Amsterdam. Netherlands.

— June: Workshop. ON READING AND TRANSDUCING. Organized by GHOST Study Group No. 6 and Tender Center, Rotterdam.

— May: Las Cuatro Orillas soundwork, Festival Asimtria 16. PUMPUMYACHKAN Audiovisual and Sound Festival. Cusco, Perú.

— March: Archipielago Sonic choreography. Perform at Festival Come Together#5. Frascati Theater. Amsterdam, Netherlands.

LISTENING THROUGH THE NOISE Live broadcast concert. Symposium Music Pours Over the Senses. Music department, University of Graz. Austria.

— ELEMENTARY CHARGE, Directed by visual artist Mette Sterre and presented at 20th year anniversary of TENT Rotterdam. Support by Stimuleringsfonds Creatieve Industrie and Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds

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