This is part of the electronic instruments, that i have use for playing and creating live sets and soundscapes. I love sound experimentation and many of the circuits that I have learn are open source squematics, or I have learn in workshops and spaces lead by techno-feminist collectives and DIY-DIT approaches. ** speacial thanks to @corazonderobota for sharing the secrets of electronics and introduce me to this facinating dimension of crafting sonic materialities.
The following instruments are manufactured by me and involve analog synths, sound generator, microphones and sound object - transducer .
8 step sequencer build with the IC 4017 and a clock with the IC 555.
EMF amplifier: Ghost detector
Is an electromagnetic field amplifier that acts as a radio antenna.
The White Noise Generated is a sound device built with transistors that are capable of producing a sound signal that contains all the audible frequencies and all of them with the same power. On our planet, the most common type of white noise is of an atmospheric nature, caused by electrical discharges, such as lightning and electrical storms, which have components in a wide band of the spectral, generated in a random way.